the Carer in us
Created with Dan Prince in partnership with NICA, these films document the stories of six local people who care for others in the workplace, the local community and at home. The aim of these films is to show the nuances of what it means to care.
In the midst of the pandemic we wanted to work with the local community to produce a series of films that were authentic, meaningful and moving. ‘The Carer in Us’ is the second series of films we have created to demonstrate the impact of the pandemic on work, life and care.
There is something to be said about having an idea, reaching out to collaborate and making a series to be proud of, while raising awareness of an important subject. Working alongside the team at NICA has opened the door to help us amplify the voices of people who care, out of choice or necessity. The common ground within every story is that caring is in their nature: however difficult the scenario they will put caring for others before themselves.
Lee grew up caring for a disabled family member, before starting formal care work in the North East over ten years ago. Lee’s kind and courteous nature, combined with his positivity and energy for caring, suits his job well, leading him to winning an award for caring and helping to propel his employer to one of the best care organisations in the region.
Lee’s was the first in this series which led to a commission to make five more.
We had a rough idea for narrative, but nothing was forced filming Lee on his morning routine. Interviewing him in his flat, then continuing on his route to the home of the person he was caring for.
Individual films coming soon